Moving Forwards

So I've finished the introduction part of the game and have to consider where I'm going with this game moving forwards.

I've been lucky enough to get a few people to both play and provide feedback on my game, something I am incredibly grateful for. Thank you for your support!

From this feedback, I've reintroduced strafing into the game (bound to Q/E). This allows the player slightly improved manoeuvrability in the air, but that's not the main update released in this patch. The system in the game which allows you to move in the air has been rethought and reworked.

Now, if you try to move in the air in the way you did before (just tapping it), you might find that you don't move very far. Or you do, if you have slow fingers. Why is this? Well... Now your air movement is charged up. Hold down a directional button (W/S/Q/E) and you'll realise that the game goes into slow motion. Release and you'll get a BURST of speed in the direction you originally entered. If you're falling, that'll be cancelled out and your vertical velocity at the time of release will be set to 0.

If you make it through both paths in the game you'll see the groundwork for what's coming next. The next phase of this project contains three new, thematically discrete areas.

  1. An underground forest, filled with lush greens and various flora.
  2. The abyss, a dark and eerie place found at the deepest depths of the mountain.
  3. A city, once teeming with life, is now forgotten and lost to time. 

Complete the main task in each of these areas and a path will open up allowing you to scale the mountain, finally reaching the peak. The true end-game.

These areas are still in the planning and preparation phase of development and are subject to change (particularly the abyss). However, following my philosophy of providing player agency, these areas will all be able to be explored at any point and in any order.

I'm considering adding an ability in each area, providing new routes and sub-areas to explore off the critical path providing players with the ability to reexplore the areas you've already conquered and provide world-building elements along with additional challenge. The extra abilities may not make it into the final version of the game as it'll significantly increase the amount of work I have to do. I am a lone developer after all.


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Jul 02, 2021


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